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Coronavirus and Your Dental treatment.

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

We understand that the COVID-19 virus is causing major concern throughout the world and in our very own community. We as a family of this community, feel your panic and concern about the unknown around us in regards to COVID-19 virus.

At our small and humble family practice, we understand that tooth pain does not take time off and give you a pain free time. So, at The Family Dental Caboolture we have put our heads together to come up with a plan to help our community. We are strongly following the Australian Dental Association (ADA) infection control standards as well as following the world hygiene organisation protocol.

We would like to reassure the community that the Dental community as well as our practice have been doing a very good job of protecting our patients with state-of-the art infection control. Here are some of our protocols that we have put in place and are still carrying on with.

First of all, if any of our patients or new patients are unwell and have any of the following : Cough, Fever, Tiredness, or any FLU like symptoms, we kindly ask them to reschedule their appointment till they are feeling better at least the required isolation time. And we have put into place 15 minute gap in-between patients to avoid having to many people in the waiting area at one time.

From the front door to the surgery is wiped down with high grade disinfectant both before and after patients arrive.

The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including mask, gloves, and protective eye-wear. Has lead to better protection for our patients and our staff.

Our use of disinfectant, up-to-date sterilisation practices, dedicated hand washing, and our one time use disposable materials where possible have all facilitated safe Dental visits for our patients and our staff.

While we know that our Oral health practices are safe for our patients and staff, the on going news, about the virus can and is making people nervous, and withdrawn. The Family Dental Caboolture is being proactive in offering calming and reassurance to

our patients and staff, that our infection control and standard precautions are in excellent deterrent to the virus.

We also understand that with all this information out there, many people are scared to come to the Dentist on top of having fear of the Dentist.

Please be reassured we are monitoring the media and at any time we feel unsafe about our procedures we will inform our patients and staff.

At this time we are here for you, and are open to help any that are in need with your Dental treatment.

Please feel free to contact us concerning your Dental needs and treatment or if you have any concerns. on 07 5428 2277

New clients are always welcome, and many a time you can get an appointment on the same day.

From Our Family at The Family Dental Caboolture

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